Well what can I say? I stand amazed at how God works through things that seem crummy to only bring us out into a more marvelous light. You would think you might start to catch on, but nope, still brings a smile to my face when it hits me that its not me doing this, but God “making beautiful things out of dust”. And you know what? I’m glad. It wouldn’t be so great if I just expected it, but our Father decides to bless us and that’s something to be thankful for!
Anyways, this past weekend we got to be tourists. We went to a museum, walked by the Royal Palace, and went shopping for souvenirs at the markets. We had Theary on our side to haggle for us in Khmer and we ate at a hang bai- which is like a food cart they park on the side of the street that locals eat at a lot. We got a plate of rice and then shared a few different meats (a curry chicken and a chicken with ginger dish and some pickled vegetables). It was fun and a good way to see more of the city!
That being said, as this weekend rolled around, we had only been out to the villages twice so far because of all the truck issues. For some reason I let myself get a little discouraged. I love getting to see the culture and city and think that is super important to this trip being meaningful, but I also have my heart set on coming here to serve. We started scheduling a few ideas for our time here and got to end of July and I was like “woah hold on”, I have already been here a week and a half?! But its okay, I reminded myself that I still have like six weeks and that I have already seen some really neat things! I just know that God will continue to be faithful through these weeks. He brought us this far so I don’t see any reason to doubt now. But it is also easy to get distracted with a schedule, or even lack thereof, so this whole reminding myself thing has to happen kinda frequently sometimes. I definitely don’t have it all together, but today I just had a sense of joy and patience that brought me back to thinking about that.
So you want to hear the good news right? The program purchased a new truck this past weekend and the team was in higher spirits today. We had a lot of fun passing out gifts at another village and chasing kids around (as Mallory mentioned). Things are looking up again for the SNACK program, Sharon is pressing forward with brilliant new ideas, and Mal and I have some other opportunities coming up, such as visiting a school, an orphanage, and a street kids’ day camp.

We will be sure to keep you updated! Thank you again for your support and prayers!
Peace and blessings,
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